Agenda : Apolearn at the Learning Show 2024

20 Sep 2024 | Accessibility and Inclusiveness, Agenda, Artificial Intelligence, Pedagogy

Visit Learning Showis THE not-to-be-missed event for those passionate about pedagogy and innovation! Every year in Rennes, this event brings together researchers, trainers and innovators around a common mission: to redefine learning to make it more effective and more human. Smartskills, inverted pedagogy and interactive technologies are at the heart of the discussions, and the 2024 edition promises to push back the frontiers of training even further.

This year, the Learning Show 2024 will place particular emphasis on the human factor: how to integrate the body and emotions into learning, promote inclusion, develop key skills and prepare for the transformation of professions. The program promises to be rich in international encounters with experts from Africa, Quebec, Switzerland and Belgium, offering a veritable learning journey through the French-speaking world. It's an ideal opportunity to initiate new cooperative ventures and share learning.

Apolearna major player in the world of LMS (Learning Management Systems), will be present to show you its latest innovations. This year, we are focusing on theintegration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our pedagogical tools to support trainers in their work and make training more accessible to all audiences. 

Don't miss our workshop with Pierrick Briandeducational engineer, and Brice Gaillardco-founder of Apolearn, on the theme: " Solving training accessibility challenges with AI. ". This event, scheduled for Tuesday 8 at 5.30pm, will enable you to discover concrete solutions to make your training more inclusive. Accessibility remains a major challenge, especially when we know that disability represents the number one reason for discrimination in vocational training. It's time to take action to create training courses that are accessible to all, thanks to AI.

Join us at the Learning Show 2024 and discover how Apolearn can transform your teaching practices! 

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