A unique digital learning platform that puts people at the heart of your training courses
A collaborative, social LMS for designing, delivering and managing your digital training courses.
Build personalized training paths
Import or create your training courses in just a few minutes
Apolearn integrates an authoring tool that's as powerful as it is easy to learn, so that your core business remains teaching. Create 100% distance, blended or mobile learning courses, or import your existing content in any format.
To save time, use the platform's collaborative features to co-construct and share the production of your training courses.
Authoring tool
Quizzes and assessments
import of over 300 formats
Importing existing content
Collaborative documents
Authoring tool
Quizzes and assessments
Import of over 300 formats
Importing existing content
Collaborative documents
Compatible with e-learning standards
Import your existing content and courses, thanks to Apolearn's compatibility with all digital learning standards: Moodle, Scorm, xAPI, LTI, HP5.
Offer a remarkable learning experience
Leverage interactivity and mutual support to engage your learners
Apolearn's social and collaborative features enable you to develop communities of learners.
Encourage interaction, sharing and mutual support, because learning at a distance is not the same as learning alone. Encourage questions, discussions and informal exchanges to get your learners involved.
Make your training courses and community exchanges accessible when your learners need them, with mobile learning.
Webinars and virtual classes
Event management
Collaborative groups
Mobile application and responsive platform
Discussions and forums
Chat and instant messaging
Private messaging
Mentions J'aime
Webinars and virtual classes
Event management
Collaborative groups
Mobile application and responsive platform
Discussions and forums
Chat and instant messaging
Private messaging
Mentions J'aime
Easily manage and administer your training courses
Meet your regulatory and organizational constraints
Apolearn's comprehensive management space enables you to manage the administrative, regulatory and quality aspects of your training courses.
Analyze your learners' results, measure their commitment and assess the quality of your training courses through their feedback.
Prove your learners' attendance and automatically generate the attendance sheets, training certificates and supporting documents required by funding bodies.
Meet Qualiopi requirements by offering individualized follow-up to your learners.
Centralized training follow-up
Certificate generator
Statistics and reporting
User profile
Member directory
Centralized training follow-up
Certificate generator
Statistics and reporting
User profile
Member directory
+1,000 training centers and higher education establishments have digitized their training with Apolearn
Manage an extended, multi-site organization
Deploy Apolearn in several establishments and share your training courses
Apolearn offers advanced options to meet the needs of a complex organization made up of several establishments or different sites.
Centralized management or complete autonomy, the platform adapts to your organizational constraints.
Create unique environments for each establishment, while capitalizing on shared training.
Creating subportals
Graphic customization
Advanced rights management
Creating subportals
Graphic customization
Advanced rights management
Connect Apolearn to your tools
Apolearnintegrates with your favorite tools. No coding is required, and you can connect to over 1,400 applications in record time.
Customer support
Adopting an LMS platform doesn't mean "doing it yourself
Personalized start-up support
Dedicated project manager
Multi-channel support
Choose a solution that complies with European safety standards
Secure platform
Data confidentiality
API and SSO interconnection
Frequently asked questions
What is an all-in-one LMS?
The term LMS, short for Learning Management System, refers to an e-learning platform. LMS platforms are excellent pedagogical solutions, as they feature indispensable functionalities such as online tutoring, assignment of homework and creation of learning paths. They are equipped with statistical tracking tools that show the number of modules completed and the time spent by learners.
Can Apolearn be used to offer certification courses?
What are the benefits of Social Learning?
Social learning is a learning method based on interaction between members of a community.
In particular, social learning makes it possible to obtain greater commitment from learners, and to encourage group work and mutual support.
What are the benefits of the Apolearn mobile application?
Apolearn's mobile application offers learners greater flexibility and freedom. They can access their training modules and community from anywhere at any time.
Does Apolearn meet Qualiopi's requirements?
Yes, the platform's statistics functions enable personalized follow-up of learners, in line with Qualiopi requirements.